Ronnie “The Gooner” Biggs is freed from prison

Posted: August 6, 2009 by arsenalaction in Uncategorized
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The GREAT train robber and lifelong Arsenal fan Ronnie Biggs was tonight freed from his prison sentence after he was granted a “compassionate release”.

Biggs, who turns 80 this weekend, is severely ill in hospital with pneumonia and doctors have said there is “not much hope”.

Biggs, from Lambeth, South London, was a member of a 15-strong gang which attacked the Glasgow to London mail train at Ledburn, Bucks, in August 1963, and made off with £2.6million in used banknotes.

He was given a 30-year sentence but after 15 months he escaped from Wandsworth prison in South West London by climbing a 30ft wall and fleeing in a furniture van.

Biggs was on the run for more than 30 years, living in Australia and Brazil before returning to the UK voluntarily in 2001 in search of medical treatment.

He was locked up in Belmarsh high-security prison on his return before being moved to a specialist medical unit at Norwich prison.

What a crazy world we live in? You have got rapists and killers who do a few years in prison and they are back out on the street after a few years and yet Ronnie has been locked up almost till his dieing day for a train robber?, Enjoy your taste of freedom Ronnie.

  1. Zakk says:

    2001 to 2009 yep he’s been locked up till his dieing days alright.

    Another example of the illogical UK justice system.

  2. tim says:

    well, actually, as you say, he escaped from prison and evaded justice for 30 years, which is quite a serious offence. he’s lucky to be out.

  3. Arse&Nose says:

    At the end of the day he is a criminal, and lets not forget an innocent family man was killed in the robbery after being hit with an iron bar on the head.

    Since then Ronnie has been asked numerous times whether he felt any remorse or regret and he stubbornly said no! The justice system was ready to let him out a while back if only he said he showed remorse, so he has no one but himself to blame for being kept in so long.

    The guy is a cunt just like any other criminal out there and celebrating him without knowing what damage he did is ignorant.

    • arsene says:

      Arse & Nose you are an Daily Mail reading idiot.

      Your research is so crap its untrue, no one was killed in the train robbery and Biggs was not on the train when the driver was hit. I’m not defending criminals but this old gooner is ill and prisons should be used to keep dangerous people in not old men.

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