Wenger : Chamakh done, “1 or 2 MORE Signings to come”

Posted: May 22, 2010 by arsenalaction in Uncategorized
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Arsenal Manager Arsene Wenger confirmed after the signing of Marouane Chamakh that the club are working hard and are looking at bringing in ONE or TWO more players.

Wenger confirmed that he is now happy with the FOUR Strikers at the club and that we “looking at other area’s”

You can watch this interview (HERE)

So who might the other 2 players be?  Well, Gallas looks almost sure to leave the club in the summer so I have no doubt a CB will be signed. But the other signing? … A GK? DM? WINGER???

And IF Cesc leaves would we then be signing a replacement???

Only time will tell…

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  1. Danish Gooner says:

    Breaking News: From danish newspaper.Bendtner criticises Arsenals medical staff for his groin injury,he has been playing with it for 4 months very doubtful for World cup.

  2. arsenal4ever says:

    so this means no new GK? Fucking old stubborn man. Now you know why Cesc wants to leave. I am not sure if he would replace him with Gourcuff or someone else.

    • RedCurrant says:

      Who are you, Mystic Meg?

    • SPECTRUM says:

      Exactly, arsenal4ever – If what he says is true – that there will only be 1 or 2 more signings, then the man is clearly out of touch. Four of our defenders are, or soon will be ,out of contract.We’re bound to lose a couple of those.Plus Cesc.So we’re 3 down already ! I thought we needed to have more DEPTH to the squad ?
      I think most fans will agree that we need 2 central defenders, a strong defensive midfielder, a midfielder to replace Cesc, and a goalkeeper.That’s FIVE minimum. Wenger’s arithmetic is evidently different to ours.Can you honestly see him signing FIVE more players, apart from Chamakh, (who’s already here) ? It looks increasingly like another case of poor judgment from the man in charge.God help us if we get hit with more injuries next season, as we’re sure to be at some stage.Guess he’ll just put that down to “bad luck” again.The transfer I’d LIKE TO SEE is Wenger on his way to another club.We live in hope !

  3. arsenal norway says:

    Definately need a new CB and GK, but we also need a backup DM, we dont have anyone who is good enough to replace song if he is injured!! Diaby is not good enough in that position, Denilson is not good enough for Arsenal and Eastmond is not ready for that level yet! So I would say we need 3 more players!

  4. Sud Gooner says:

    You can call him arrogant the way you want, but there are 2 things he won’t do i.e:-
    1) Buy a new Keeper
    2) Buy a defensive midfielder when we have Diaby, Song, Denilson not to mention Eastmond
    So my guess is that he will buy 2 centre backs.

    • I also think this means that Silvestre and Campbell will BOTH get a new deal. If Gallas,Sol & Agent Silvestre was to leave it leaves it would leave us very short at the back

  5. perrygrovesworld says:

    So why would Wenger tell us who or how many more he’s going to sign…. You know nothing about business dealings. Its like poker, don’t show your hand, if he said who he wanted or what area he wanted he’d alert every agent/ vulture who is hawking a player and upping their price…..

    ps Gourcuff would solve the Cesc problem that much I agree but he signed a new contract last year so not sure it can happen without £25M on the table..

  6. ashdgajs says:

    He’s killing Arsenal. When Cesc goes it’s the end of this ridiculous man.

    • Aussie Gooner says:

      You stupid stupid boy, Wenger has made Arsenal into the team it is today. I remember Arsenal before Arsene and it is not the team it is today, and would never have become this team without him.

      • Wengers a loony says:

        yea i rememeber Arsenal before wenger. 69 fairs cup, 71 double, 79 FA Cup, 87 league cup, 89 champions, 91 champions, domestic double 93, cup winners cup 94. A team that tried to win every cup that was on offer.
        Lets hope wenger ends up in oz, so you can surport him and leave our club to move on and try and win trophys again!!!!

      • Dominic says:

        I remember Arsenal before Wenger. People who complain about having Denilson in midfield should look at what was available under Graham, namely Selby and Hillier.
        Watch them “playing” for Arsenal and you will not want a return to those dark days.
        As for the trophy count Arsene has won more trophie than any other Arsenal manager

      • Leon says:

        I hate this blind sentimentality “Wenger made Arsenal what it is today” OK today we are about to roll over on our bellies and sell our best player – get your head out of the sand and realise that if this man stays then we are done – pretty football and nothing to show for it – that’s not management – we need a tactician not an idealist

      • gradew says:

        It means that, the team is losing its greatness and going down to the level where now is compared with the time before arsene. in that time you must also see the level of PL, and other teams like chelsea, Mancity, bla bla bla… things change and arsenal also changes. because arsenal want to change it hires wenger that is the cause of change. now we must go forward from where we are now. we need players, more players. it is clearly shown in big matches this year. If we loose one or more best players it meas that we are going down to the worst. Stop believing blindly in arsene. believe in practical facts and bring more than three players in different areas.

    • RedCurrant says:

      You’re probably a spotty youth, so I’ll forgive you for not knowing what things were like before ‘this riduculous man’ arrived.

      • gooneramaan says:

        well said ………my fellow gooner……..I hope Sinbad also read what u said.

    • jo says:

      You are an idiot!

    • top gunner says:

      He is a clown who didnt sort the defensive problems out last year he is a loser and is making our club into one as well.

  7. Zapppidon says:

    We need more the 1/2 more players. Just means that the likes of denilson silvestre and fabianski will still be at the club.

    And like you said, if cesc leaves??? Then what

    • henry says:

      denilson’s a good player. fabianski’s a good player. silvestre won’t be here next season. cesc will.

      • LOL @”denilson’s a good player. fabianski’s a good player”

        Sorry mate, Good player but not good enough for Arsenal or for us to win the league

      • terry says:

        denielson is a good player but hsa a very poor work rate that makes him the verst if he had flaminis work rate he would be better than any other def mid in the league even essien. the bitch can read the game he can shoot from distance he has finally learned to pass forward and also has a good first touch he need to send to military school or made to run 4 hours on the sand. hahhahah

      • Joe says:

        Problem with Denilson is that he bottles it when it’s 0-0. As soon as we are winning, he stops looking so frightened of making msitakes, gets his head up more and makes passes. That’s fine when we’re playing the lower terams but no good against the big ones. It’s not a massive jump but Theo has so far proved that having the natural gifts isnt enough, you need to have it mentally as well. Flamini and Song overcame it, maybe Denilson can too? The question is are Arsenal a club where a person should be learning on the job?

      • forza forza says:

        denilson and fabianski are good players ,you must be blind

      • top gunner says:


      • SPECTRUM says:

        henry says – Cesc WON’T be here next season.He’s ambitious and wants to win things.He wants SUCCESS, and has lost patience waiting for it at Arsenal.He’s lost confidence in the club’s ambition.It’s not the money.
        He’s sick of the false promises being made ( Wenger’s pleaded with him to stay one more year ). But he’s already given five years of effort, only to be let down.Wouldn’t you feel the same if you were him?

  8. Leon says:

    Arsenal just lack the ambition to ever win anything – I don’t know why they even bother because for me Chamakh is a poor signing when we have so much concerns in other areas. Of course, there is no pressure on Wenger to win anything from the board, shareholders and fans so he can do whatever he wants to do.

  9. Supergunner14 says:

    wenger fucks me off one or 2???we needed 3 or 4 before any of are players go like gallas and silvestre.we need a world CLASS GK,2 1 world CLASS CB,1 up and coming CB,a world Class CDM to partner song,and i would say someone better than eboue and walcott on the right WHO can CROSS!am not holding my breath tho how many seasons do we get told the same stuff
    “are players back from injurys are like new signing”
    what wenger was saying there and acting it looked like he would be waiting to see if fabregas went or not if he didnt he prob will get 1 or 2.

  10. Russ says:

    1 or 2 more signings eh? If (when) Cesc goes will that still be 1 or 2 I wonder? Wenger made a huge mistake last season not replacing adebayor. This mistake has been compounded with the signing of Chamakh. We also needed another CB and he only replaced Toure with the Verminator – brilliant signing that it was but how short at the back were we at the end of this season? Maybe he thinks Kyle Bartley or Havard Nordtveit can step up? Either way, I hope the Cesc situation doesnt drag on and gets dealt with straight away so we can move on and look for suitable replacements.

  11. EgoONTISTICAL says:

    @ Leon ..how can chamakh be a poor signing when we got him on a free!??…
    heres what i hope our atarting line up will look something like at tghe start of the next campaign..

    4-4-2 we need to stop this shitty 4-3-3 as we poor at crossing the ball weve got no arieal threat and teams know thos and love to push us wide. Hoever this Chamakh geezers supposed to be pretty handy in the air so lets see

    Joe Heart

    Clichy, Vermalean, Subotic. Sagna

    Fabregas!!!, Melo, Nasri, Walcott – (have faith!!)

    RVP Chamakh
    Almunia, Djourou, Gibbs, Arshavin, Bentdner Diaby – What a bench w’d have!!!!

    We need to sell
    Eduardo hes just not gna ever overcome that injury mentally
    Traore he just doesnt understand the difference between full back and winger !!!
    I would of said Eboue but hes had a wonderfull season as an impact player
    Silvestre – i cringe everytime i hear that hes evon on the bench – hes an accident waiting to happen. one of Arsenes worst signings ever!
    We need to loan out Vela hes got the raw talent he just needs games

    And there we have the voice of the average gooner

    Wenger uve got 1 more year left on that contract this needs to be the year!! or dont bother renewing it!!
    I hear Pep wuodnt mind a stint in England 😀

  12. pH says:

    We need three (A goalie, and two cenrebacks) or four (if Cesc leaves) not one or two, which in Wenger language means “one if he’s cheap”! I fear it will be another frustrating summer.

  13. IcelandGooner says:

    It will be hard for the team if Fabregas leaves, but no one player is bigger than the team. Give the captancy to Vermalen and get rid of Gallas as I am pretty sure that he does not have a good effect on the team. I read somewhere that physio team is under review and hopefully we will be able to curtail all the injurys we had last season. If the squad had been injury free or atlest sustained fewer injurys I am sure we would have been contenders last season. My only hope is that if Fabregas hops off to barcecunts we will get massive amounts of money wich will be used in purchasing players. In regards to Wenger he can not go public in his wishes to buy 4 players as that will definatly drive player prices up. What ever happens this will be an interesting summer but in my mind there are not many managers who are better than Wenger. One thing I blame Wenger for is his failure to make the current players fighters for the team and not paycheck recievers. We need heart, I can forgive lack of skill if it is evident that the players make an effort in every game.

  14. RayGooner says:

    First of all, we buy Buffon for £10M + Juventus get Sagna. Then we sell Fabianski for £3M and the goalkeeper issue is complete!
    Then we buy Gregory van der Wiel from Ajax for £7M to replace Sagna.
    Then we buy Hangeland from Fulham for £10M and let Gallas and Silvestre go. We also sell Senderos for £10M (he will gain his value in the World Cup). And then we buy Micah Richards from Man City for £10M and we have a great back-up for both LB and CB. The Defence is now complete!
    Then we sell Denìlson for £10M.
    And then we sell Fàbregas to Barcelona in exchange for £35M and Yaya Touré.
    We then buy Gourcuff for £22M. Central midfield is now complete!
    Then we sell Eduardo for £12M and Vela for £8M.
    And then we sell Randall, Traoré, Gilbert & Simpson for the sum of £10M.
    After these transactions we have £29M in the bag, plus the £30-40M we started out with, that makes £59-69M to get a winger and an additional striker say Wright-Phillips for £5M and Karim Benzema for £35M.
    and still be left with £19-29M. Depending on transfer fees this could be a bit different but still close i think. We could also get Eden Hazard from Lille for around £10M.

    • Senderos can leave on a free BTW

    • Supergunner14 says:

      isnt senderos a free agent tho?

    • terry says:

      what the fuck dude ur definately out of your head Gregory van der Wiel for 7m, Hangeland for £10M, Senderos for £10M he is a free agent next, Eduardo for £12M and Vela for £8M.hahahhahah

      and the funniest of them all Denìlson for £10M.

      who the hell is going to buy denielson for 10m he is not even worth 5m .
      eduardo 12m all that we will get is 7-10m
      vela is the most promising prospect right now and hes the only one who is worth holding on to.

      we shoul get 4 players and fab should stay
      1)melo (not had a good season, probably the verst of his carrer but would shine in arsen wengers midfiled as he has all the requirements of the perfect midfilder that arsenal need

      2)chellini/zapata (tall, strong hard tacking def jus the perfect parterners for vermy)

      3)mataudi (a perfect replacement in case song or melo get injured and would not be that expensive)

      4)richards (tal strong can play right back, center back and def mids. he is english so would help us in the new rule and alo a arsenal fab by heart)

      the reason our gk sucks is because we have all migits in our team specially when we defen corners our keepers are help less and we play a very high def line if be play a back four of clichy, vermy, chellini,richards with a mid of song, melo and chamak and rvp we will be very strong defensively as well all the above mentioned players are very helpful while defending corners.

      any ways these are my analysis and these are exactly the players we need .

      come on gooners we need a trophy next season.

    • sam says:

      Someone’s been playing too much Football Manager.

    • top gunner says:


    • Andy says:

      I reckon you ought to be Arsene Wengers right arm man like David Dein was.
      I tottally agree with you to a certain degree.
      What Wenger see’s in Randall, Traore, Gilbert & Simpson i do not know. But not only them Eduardo, bedtner, Vela,Walcot, Eboue, Denilson,Rosicky,Alamunia, Fabianski,Diarby, Gallas, and if Campbell stays then that says it all. There are 15 players there. We have got to remember that Landsbury, wilshire, Jay Thomas, are all due back after all good seasons with there loan teams.

  15. Colin Wobbles says:

    If he only intends to sign two more players then he has to leave the club.

    Arsenal need at least five new players.

  16. butterfingers says:

    Don’t forget we have dijorou back tweety, gallas and sendy gone so would love to get whoever partners verminater at international level in and we need yaya and dont let merida leave if fab leaves.

  17. henry14 says:

    Does anyone think there could be a chance if Cesc goes, Gerrard comes in! I can just about see it and have to say think he would be fantastic for us…..

  18. jkl says:

    Get in Joe Heart and Gary Cahill. And all you that believe we need another CDM ,Johan Djourou is the man for the job, good defensively and also very effective attacking wise.

  19. GOONA says:

    I was happy with yesterdays FREE signing after a few days of misery now i’m back like a lot of yah when there’s no mention of him signing a GK…Always regarded Arsene with respect as he had been a great football manager but nowadays my opinion of him has altered as I don’t think our bank manager’s been to Sp S-vers as he still can’t see we need one maybe more than in any other position. Well he’s in the last chance saloon next season because if we don’t get a good goalie he’s no chance. of staying with us as I think the majority of very patient fans will make his mind up for him. On second thoughts it may be sooner if we get off to a dreadful start letting goals in from the left the right and the centre……..

  20. Russell says:

    I’ve never responded to a blog before but some of these responses got my blood up so here goes…

    If Pep Guardiola can buy Ibrahimovic for £67m plus Eto’o (and he’s pretty good manager right) and no longer consider him as an automatic start and Fergie (another one with a decent track record) can buy Berbatov for £30m and also leave him on the bench most of the time then surely we can accept spending big doens’t always work.

    Barcelona debt £430m and rising, Manure debt £700m and rising. Real Madrid’s president is mates with the owners of two local banks in Madrid who lent him £150m to help him buy all those players last year. Anyone fancy going down this route? It’s just not sustainable. Barca made less profit than us last year despite winning every competition they played in (6 cups altogether) and although the media made little mention of it they spent only £20m less than Real Madrid in the past two years.

    The Spuds chairman is on record as saying that based on what he has spent on his club for the past two years, they have been outperformed by Arsenal and he is disappointed in this.

    Liverpool have spent net double what we have in the last 5 years but are in the Europa league even with probably the best striker in Europe. Now no-one wants to buy them and the banks chewing at their heels and their two best players and their manager are looking elsewhere. In the last 5 seasons Liverpool and the Spuds have spent £250m each vs our spending of £112m and yet we are still above them. Man Shitty spent £250m or so and still didn’t even qualify for the CL. Please explain to me how the person who masterminded our 3rd place finish should be sacked?

    Chelski have been trying to sort out a new stadium for 4 years and have failed. The Spuds have tried sorting out a new stadium for 2 years and have failed. Liverpool have tried for 4 years and failed and yet we have probably the best stadium in the country. And yet you still moan.

    Anyone out there think it’s easy to have qualified for the CL every year of its existance? Anyone think it’s easy to be 3rd in the EPL when we’ve had in one year Nasri break his leg, Ramsey break his leg, Cesc break his leg, RVP out for most of the season etc etc. If not and you think Wenger is ‘ridiculous’ and is ‘killing the club’ perhaps you’d care to suggest an alternative manager to replace him. Can’t think of one? Thought not. Anyone think it’s a coincidence that Real Madrid had him as first choice to manage their galactico project? Thought not.

    Part of the manager’s reponsibilty is to ensure the club has a long term future. Just look at Portmouth, Newcastle or Leeds for examples of what happens when the guy at the helm just goes for broke.

    Fans of other clubs can’t understand why Arsenal fans are on such a downer against their own team and frankly I can’t either. Why not actually support the team and find something positive to say. With fans like you who needs Spuds?

    • forza forza says:

      shut up

    • Andy says:


    • arsenalaysia says:

      i agree with u russell….. our gooners only think about the trophies but doesn’t care about the club problem… wenger can splash out the club money to buy expensive players but our debt is rising. mr wenger is a clever person….. he need to think about the budget of the club and try to make profit. It’s not only about winning the trophies!!!!!!!!

  21. GoonerForLife says:

    Sadly, I’ve learned in past that “One or Two Signings” means ONE player according to Wenger. If so, then i give up on this man (if i haven’t already). I am a really frustrated Gooner!!!

    • M.RAYAST says:


  22. sami alkaki says:

    i think that mr.wenger is a BIG lier..! coz every year he promissed us and all fans to buy new and good player ..but ..when its come true we found nothing at all..! im just wounder how others big club signing playres..!? and ask mr.wenger to learn from barca how they got that wounderful player just within maybe 7 days..! and when we need a good player they waited ayear to got him like we did with that poor player chamakh and even when we signed arsavin since 2 years ago..! y we just do that..is it arsenal abig club..?! or we just dreams.!?..i think with that wenger we will never be developed again..and we just had that good history with him..and maybe he got all tropihes and that good players with some good fortune,,!!! MR.wenger i thought ur days r finished ..and u will bet with this year too and u will fail too..and we will see what u will do with that poor players that reamins to u..!!!!!!

  23. gooner2 says:

    1-2 signigs is not enough to challenge chavs/man u

    we need 4 quality players, in that vid clip AW dont look to well, looks stressed about cesc.

    Hope we sign more then 1 in the end

  24. Blesse says:

    Wenger is the most worst manager of the world

    • Andy says:


      • Leon says:

        Yes Andy it is a hole – stop being so fucking sentimental. It’s about Arsenal and not Wenger. If you want underachievement and seeing our best players leave then follow this man otherwise stop being a prick and grow a spine.

  25. arsenalaysia says:

    d prob is, whether the player has been link with arsenal eager 2 join our team or not. we can still talking of having that player, this player……….but we don’t know how hard to land that player in our team lol…. for me, there’s not a big prob for us if cesc go to barca coz nasri can replace him. the only lack position for us is at the back. no need 2 buy a new GK but bring in 2 experience CB…..

  26. forza forza says:

    the club is fucked we are going nowhere even cesc wants out.

  27. Danish Gooner says:

    He is not gonna sign anyone bar Chamakh,the usual rubbish will be put around,like there is no market,theplayers is far too expensive and the best off them all,Djourou is like a new defensive signing.

  28. Tommo says:

    God I hate the off season. Listen too you all. We gets what we gets and that’s it. Whoever is on the pitch I’ll support and love and encourage them to give their all.

    • SPECTRUM says:

      Then you’re too easily pleased.Complacency won’t get us trophies.Ask probing questions of the management and the team.Get angry – demand that things change.When enough of us do this,they’ll hopefully get the message, then maybe we will see improvement.Apathy won’t result in progress.

  29. Danny says:

    did you see inter win the CL- defence my friends. Someone should tell wenger to buy quality defenders

    yes he is a stubburn fuck, and needs to go. Bring in Mureen please

  30. adam says:

    It’s been fun Arsene. The Emirates will be your legacy but it’s time to move on now. 1 or 2 more players? You’re ‘aving a laugh!

  31. George says:

    More censorship against anyone who politely disagrees.

    Write an article that is positive about the club you support and I might (just might) believe you’re not a spud.

  32. Michael says:

    Hart & G. Cahill. Keep Fab & no need for third signing (in the midfield)

  33. Leon says:

    Arsenal sign Chamakh – SO FUCKING WHAT – who honestly gives a rats ass about this ? Who can be excited about a guy who has scored 79 goals in 8 years ? Arsenal are going backwards at a tremendous rate and once Fabregas goes it will all be over – our only world class player – the man that made Arsenal tick – who sets up a huge proportion of our goals and who scores so many important goals – without him Arsenal are just average. Fabregas is a class above Van Persie and Arshavin and Nasri is a donkey. I despise Wenger because he is so bloody unambitious – Arsenal will never win anything with him. Arsenal doesn’t play good football it’s just frustrating football that wins nothing. I see no reason to believe that Arsenal will ever be any good again and once Fabregas goes it will be truly over.

  34. Goonz1113 says:

    First of all I think it’s fantastic what arsene has done for the club. but sadly I think he ha been playing around to much. I wouldn’t blame cesc for leaving, arsene should and built a world class winning side around him. I don’t think he brings the best out in the players either, getting them aggressive and motivated, like go does mourinho and fergie. Every player looks for the other player to do the job, playing pretty football. We need it back like the viera and petit era. Arsene has the resources to make arsenal a fantastic side next year, let’s all hope he’s not to stuborn to do it. Chamakh signing puzzles me as his key area is heading and we have theo wallcot putting in the crosses…..oh sh*t! But I suppose we was a freebie and French!!

  35. jnr says:

    Thank you for your post which I do like to read a lot and find most
    informative, however I must say it is time all Gooners know the truth,
    Wenger is a joke and just messing the fans around.


    My reason well, 5 season without a trophy that says it all apart from
    that he keeps giving us the tale that he will sign and has money but
    never signs anyone, the current crop of player are not good, Denilson,
    Almunia, Fab, Diaby etc.

    No wonder Cesc wants to go I say let him leave and mark my work we
    will sell him for like 30 milla. If he was in Manu he will not be
    leaving for anything less than 80 milla.

    Sorry to say Arsenal are a feeder club for Barca and Real and other
    clubs selling your stars and not replacing them.

    Lets face facts Chelsea have won a cup almost ever season and with
    different coachs to make matters worse they won two cups with a new

    The special one wins the treble with inter and their team aint the
    best in europe but hands up he is a good coach, he has won a cup with a
    the team he has managed, the same cannot be said of Wenger.

    Lets stop support him, I am tried of Wenger let him leave.

    Look at his transfer activities he chases a player for a year to get
    him for free, while we loss Fran to Athletico and then he offers him an
    improved contract whats that at the last minute?? when he should have
    kept other players but cos he is too stingy he will not part with an
    extra 5k?? Flamini, Edu, etc

    Fergerson will not have let his star players leave but Wenger oh yes
    that his norm and he lets someone like Denilson play when clearly there
    are other player better than him.

    Lets face it Wenger is destorying Arsenal and until the fans get up
    and ask for a replacment he will destory the club.

    It is a fact lets face reality. It pains me to say it but Myles is
    right on the front we need a new manager.

  36. arsenalaysia says:

    who need fabregas???? football is the game of 11 players. let him go…… i feel frustrated 2 when i know he asked to go….. but the players arsenal have ( if he leave ) is enough to bring back a trophies next season. BE PATIENT GOONERS, TRUST ME…….

  37. GOONA says:

    Are you sure your names not Arsene Wenger?

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